Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fabric Crazy

So now that I'm up to four active projects (five really - but just barely), plus a stash of four kits, three purchased charts, five charts I like in an issue of Cross Stitch Gold (yes, didn't take long to find cross stitch magazine once I found the online forum), and a bunch of free charts that I found once I realized I could search online for free SALs, etc. Not to mention the wish lists that are each a mile long on several cross stitch websites. I really thought the madness had to end. I mean at some point I have to accept I'll never finish all of this in my natural lifespan.

My husband has been very supportive in my new hobby but that would change if he knew about everything I have stashed away. You see, I found hiding places for the kits and paper charts. He thinks all I have waiting is the magazine.

And then it happened. One of the people on one of the SAL's posted the question, "What color fabric is everyone using?" There are different color fabrics? How did I miss this?! I mean I have been in AC Moore, Michael's, and JoAnn's Fabrics and all I've seen is white. In fact, since one AC Moore I go to is an outlet I bought 10 pieces of 14"x14" 14 count white Aida. I mean at 60 cents a piece it seemed that was a good idea.

Well, now I find out that there are stores that sell all of these beautiful fabrics! Needless to say, I decided that I had to try one of these lovely fabrics and decided to hold off beginning one of the SAL's until I could get the perfect fabric. As I was waiting for the fabric I decided to order to arrive, I continued looking through the different online catalogs to see everything that was available. And then it happened...

The Fabric of the Month Club. O-M-G!!!

Somehow I stopped myself from signing up for one until the fabric I ordered arrived so I could see it in person. Well, now it has arrived, and it is even nicer than I anticipated. Really, this is not a good thing. Remember, I already have 10 pieces of 14 count Aida. What in the world do I need a fabric a month for? I don't, but they offer these plans bimonthly, even quarterly...

Yes, the madness has spread to fabric. I have no clue where I am going to hide it all, or how it is going to arrive without my husband seeing it in the mail and starting to become suspicious.,,

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong and try to focus on your lovely wips
    Dont go fabric mad
