This week was actually very productive in terms of stitching. On Sunday, I started a new project for Caroline's High Tea (Friday Off the Grid on Facebook). High Tea starts are supposed to be something special, and I have been planning to start Brook's Books Advent Calendar since it came out in 2014! Well, Sunday was the day it finally happened. I started #1 Katie Kitty.

I usually get to work a half hour early. We are very short-staffed right now so I've been starting work as soon as I get in and then working through lunch which has really not helped and just stressed me out more. So this week I really pushed myself to go to the lounge when I got to work and spend 15-20 minutes stitching before going to my office. During lunch I have turned off the computer and spent at least 15 minutes stitching. It has definitely calmed me down, and I think I'm actually more productive. As a result, I was able to get a nice bit of progress.

Last night the weather was finally cool enough to sit in the backyard. I wasn't sure if our new lights were going to be bright enough for me to work on Witches Wheel which is on 36 count fabric so, I decided to spend my 6 hours of Off the Grid Stitching on Katie. I made a few mistakes, one which I decided not to fix (can you find it?) but I was very happy with my progress. I am hopeful for a finish this weekend so I can start #2 Peter Polar Bear.

Now, however, it is time to work on my BAP, Lobo from HAED. I think at one point I was trying to work on it so much that I wasn't enjoying it. I was 'forcing' myself. I really started to hate it and I must have let it sit untouched for a good 6-8 months. I finally stitched on it one Friday night in March and I loved it. But rather than go crazy, I've decided the best way to continue the motivation to work on it is to only stitch on it one hour a night. Now I look forward to my Lobo Hour.'' I usually don't stitch on it for my Friday Off the Grid time but then I try to get at least two hours in on Saturday night for #BAPSaturday.
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